It took many users by surprise as seldom had YIFY ever been down for more than a few hours. Over time it garnered a loyal fan base, until one fine day, beloved site showed a blank page which was a rare sight to see. Its popularity was unquestionable and the site was generating millions in traffic every day. YIFY (AKA YTS) practically became an overnight sensation among movie geeks given all the high-quality torrents of recently released movies that it was hosting. YIFY’s main attribute was the HD quality videos that it provided in a smaller, attracting a massive number of downloaders from all over the world. Launched in August 2011, the YIFY Torrents or YTS were a peer-to-peer online release group that operated by distributing a great number of movies as free downloads via BitTorrent.

Keep reading to learn more! YTS and YIFY-A brief history In this article we have identified what is YTS and YIFY along with its alternatives. These Yify competitors also provide a large selection of torrent files for download, and the majority of the sites described below are available in most regions. If you live in a country where Yify or YTS are not available, here is a list of YTS alternatives you may use to download torrent files. Yify movies is one of the top torrent sites since it is a well-known source in the peer-to-peer sharing community. Yify movies, or YTS, is another torrent site that has been hit hard by the regulations. This is why some of the top torrent sites, such as Pirate Bay, Extratorrent, and KickassTorrent, have been blacklisted in a number of countries. Torrent sites have long drawn the attention of law enforcement organizations due to their reputation for allowing users to obtain copyrighted information. What to do if these Yify Alternates are Inaccessible?.